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Ponuda za lizing za kosovsku dijasporu

Finansiranje do 80% cene stana

Trajanje lizinga do 10 godina

Procena imovine – Besplatno


Lizing ponuda za stan

  •  Finansiranje do 80% cene stana
  •  Bez dodatne hipoteke
  •  Trajanje lizinga do 10 godina
  • Procena imovine – Besplatno
  • Stručno savetovanje za kupovinu imovine – Besplatno

Lizing ponuda za lokal

  • Finansiranje do 70% cene 
  • Trajanje lizinga do 10 godina
  • Preferencijalna kamata
  • Osiguranje lokala po preferencijalnoj ceni
  • Procena imovine – Besplatno
  • Bez dodatne hipoteke

Prijavite se online za lizing ponudu za dijasporu!

Online prijava traje samo nekoliko minuta. Nakon što popunite prikazani obrazac, bićete kontaktirani od strane našeg tima u vezi sa procesom.

Informacija obeležena sa * je obavezna
Please select the municipality where you live
Terms and conditions Terms and conditions

By selecting the "Consent for CRK" button, I expressly agree, in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection and Article 7.2 of the CBK Regulation on Credit Registration, to give consent to Raiffeisen Leasing LLC, based at Rr. UÇK, Nr.222, Prishtina, with business registration number NUI 811282459, for the purposes of processing, concluding, maintaining, and amending the leasing agreement, to process and use my personal data, as well as to have access to my credit reports in the Credit Registry. I give this consent electronically based on my free will and mutual interest, and I will not deny it on any legal or factual basis. I am aware that giving this consent does not prejudge a positive response or imply the conclusion of the leasing agreement.

Consent for CRK Terms and conditions

By pressing/clicking the "Continue" button, I explicitly agree and give my consent to the Bank, in accordance with Law No. 06/L-082 on Personal Data Protection...

By pressing/clicking the "Continue" button, I explicitly agree and give my consent to the Raiffeisen Leasing Kosovo LLC , in accordance with Law No. 06/L-082 on Personal Data Protection and the European Union Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), to process my personal data mentioned above as well as any data that may become known later, to be exchanged and used by Raiffeisen Leasing Kosovo LLC, members of the Raiffeisen Banking Group and companies contracted by Raiffeisen Leasing Kosovo LLC, to process the submitted application and to contact me in writing, by telephone and/or via electronic mail at the address indicated above, in order to send me appropriate and personalized offers1 through the profiling process and/or notifications related to the products and services offered.

* I confirm that I am aware that I am not obliged to give my consent for direct marketing/profiling and I am aware that at any time I have the right to withdraw this consent and in that case my data will not be used for the above-mentioned purpose. I confirm that all the information provided above is true, complete and accurate, and I declare that I have voluntarily made my personal data available to the Raiffeisen Leasing.1Individual offers are designed specifically for you based on an understanding of your economic needs through a process called profiling. Profiling involves automated analysis of your personal data and other information. Based on such processing, we reach conclusions regarding your economic or financial needs, your financial responsibility and other characteristics that we analyze when creating such offers.

Potrebna dokumenta za podnošenje aplikacije za lizing

  • Obrazac za apliciranje (popunjen i potpisan)
  • Kopija pasoša/lične karte podnosioca aplikacije VAŽEĆI ID
  • Kopija lične karte žiranta na Kosovu VAŽEĆI ID
  • Ugovor o radu podnosioca aplikacije (mora biti validan najmanje 12 meseci)
  • Stanje tekućeg bankarskog računa koje pokazuje iznos plate podnosioca aplikacije (za 12 meseci)
  • Izveštaj koji pokazuje da niste pod istragom u zemlji u kojoj živite i radite.
  • Izveštaj o kreditnoj istoriji u zemlji u kojoj živite i radite
  • Predugovor ili ponuda za kupoprodaju nepokretnosti (potpisana i sa pečatom prodavca)
  • Obrazac saglasnosti za stanje finansijske istorije potpisan od strane podnosioca aplikacije
  • Bankarska potvrda u slučaju da je postojalo avansno plaćanje kod prodavca (samo bankarski transfer je validan)
  • Jedan predračun ili plaćeni račun za vodu, telefon ili struju (ne stariji od 3 meseca) kojim se evidentira sadašnje prebivalište (stan, kuća) podnosioca aplikacije
  • Izjava overena kod notara u kojoj supružnik podnosioca aplikacije iskazuje saglasnost za stupanje u finansijske obaveze i koje predstavlja ovlašćenje za potpisivanje ugovora za kupovinu stana u ime supružnika
  • Ovlašćenje za treću osobu (člana porodice) koja će potpisati ugovor kod notara ukoliko podnosilac aplikacije za lizing ne bude na Kosovu u trenutku potpisivanja ugovora kod notara

Šta je finansijski lizing?

Finansijski lizing je finansijski zakup pri čemu Davalac lizinga (Zakupodavac) kupuje i daje u zakup sredstvo koje je Zakupac (Primalac lizinga) izabrao na određeni vremenski period. Nakon ispunjenja obaveza predviđenih ugovorom, Zakupac automatski postaje vlasnik imovine.

Finansijski lizing uvek podrazumeva tri zainteresovane strane:

Davalac lizinga – Lizing kompanija

Primalac lizinga - Klijent/korisnik sredstva

Dobavljač lizing objekta - Prodavac sredstva