Leasing za CNC strojeve za obradu i obradu
Ponuda leasinga raznih specijalnih strojeva
Micro Businesses
Finansiranje do 90% cene, trajanje lizinga do 6 godina
Small and Medium Businesses
Finansiranje do 80% cene, trajanje lizinga do 6 godina
Finansiranje do 80% cene, trajanje lizinga do 6 godina

Prijavite se sad: CNC mašine za obradu i obradu
Naši stručnjaci s dugogodišnjim iskustvom pripremit će ponudu prema potrebama Vašeg poslovanja.
Mogućnosti financiranja za:
- Micro Businesses
- Mala i srednja preduzeća
- Korporacije
Apply online for Leasing for CNC processing machines
Formore information, apply online and our Raiffeisen Leasing employees will contact you.

Documents required to apply for leasing
- Vendors' Offer / Pro-invoice (completed)
- Leasing Application (completed and signed)
- Identification Document: Passport, Identity Card of the Republic of Kosovo for owners and authorized persons
- Business Registration Certificate in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (not older than 3 months)
- Information on registered Business in the Ministry of Trade and Industry www.arbk.org (not older than 3 months)
- VAT registration certificate (if the company is registered with VAT)
- Statute of the company (if the company is registered as an LLC or JSC)
- Financial Statements (Balance sheet and Income statement for the last two years)
- Description of the business (operations, clients, activities, competition, etc.)
- Loan contracts with other banks (if any)
- Current contracts and References
- Current account balance in other banks you cooperate with (last 6 months)
- Taxpayers status, issued by Tax Administration of Kosovo.
What is financial leasing?
A financial leasing contract indicates a commercial arrangement where the lessee (customer) selects an assetand lessor will purchase the asset, which asset the lessee utilizes in exchange for a series of installments paid to the lessor for a specific amount of time. Once the lessee fulfils all the contractual obligations, acquires full ownership of the asset.
The Financial Lease includes three main stakeholders:
Lessor - Leasing Company
Lessee - Customer/The user of the asset
Vendor of the leased asset - asset seller